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In your request it seems you gave the same conditions for when the label should display YES as well as NO. So I will take that as a typo and provide a solution so that the label displays YES when close is greater than hl2 and NO when the close is less than hl2.
Here is you code, cleaned up a bit to make it easier to read and remove some unused lines. I have added only one line of code to produce the label you requested.
input aggregationPeriodForHL2 = AggregationPeriod.FIVE_MIN;
def highValue = high(period = aggregationPeriodForHL2);
def lowValue = low(period = aggregationPeriodForHL2);
plot hl2 = Round((highValue + lowValue ) / 2, 2);
AddLabel(yes, Concat(“HL2 : “, hl2 ), Color.WHITE);
AddLabel(yes, if close > hl2 then "YES" else "NO", Color.WHITE);