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Hello Mr Hahn. Is there anyway to get an alert specifically for the MACD Strategy in TOS ? The alert would go off whenever the MACDSTRATLE or MACDSTRATSE is triggered. Thanks so much for what you’re doing.
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Private answer
There are several different tools in Thinkorswim that can be used to generate alerts. So you will need to provide more details. Here are the different forms of alerts available on Thinkorswim:
Once you tell us which sort of notification you are requesting we can provide a solution. Some helpful links to support most of what I just explained: https://www.hahn-tech.com/thinkorswim-condition-wizard/ https://www.hahn-tech.com/thinkorswim-overnight-range-scan-alert/
First, we'll show the full code that is copied directly from the built-in chart strategy named MACDStrat:
Next, well convert this to a chart study by removing the AddOrder() statements. For the alerts, we simply add two Alert() statements to replace the AddOrder() statements. We will retain the true/false condition of the AddOrder() statements which are used to plot the theoretical buys and sells on the chart.
Notice I have also included a final statement that creates a blank label. This is because every chart study requires at least one plot or chart label before it can be saved and applied to a chart. Marked as spam
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