40/3 Swing Method Scanner


I am semi-newish trader and I was wondering if you could help out with a scanner.  If you have already covered this or have something that I could modify to get what I am looking for that would be great.  Here is the setup that I am looking to try and scan for.

Day 1: New 40 Day High.

Day 2-4: Must have lower closing prices, the lows may or may not get lower, but the closing price must get lower each day for 3 consecutive days.

Day 5: Closing price must trade HIGHER than Closing price of Day 4. Close in the upper 20% of the daily trading range.


Any help with this would be greatly appreciated if this as at all possible.

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Posted by (Questions: 1, Answers: 0)
Asked on February 9, 2020 5:30 pm
Private answer

I'm going to hold off providing a solution here because your user name is an email address. Assuming this is a valid email address you will be receiving massive amounts of spam email because they have bots that crawl websites searching for email addresses.

I suggest you check the social media account you used to sign into the forum and make sure it does not include an email address in the space meant to contain your name. Once you have corrected that, be sure to let me know so I can delete the username from our website. At which time you will be able to log back in using that same social media account and have your name displayed instead of your email address.

At that point I will delete this post so that the web crawlers will not find your email address on this post. Which they have already done. Most of the damage has already been done, sorry to say.


Marked as spam
Posted by (Questions: 37, Answers: 4129)
Answered on February 9, 2020 6:01 pm
I'm not sure how that happened, but I was able to log in using a different social media account. Luckly that email is my spam email account that already receives a bunch of junk. Do you want me to re-post the question again from this account?
( at February 9, 2020 6:14 pm)
Yes please. I will delete this post when I see you have posted it again using your other account.
( at February 9, 2020 10:05 pm)