Accessing Scans – alternate Method while in the Scan Tab


Good day Pete, and thank you again for the site. And for also keeping it very structured as well.

This is my first post, and wondering on ToS, which over the past few years I have coined “SaD” [Sink and Drown] as for sure, nothing gets fixed. [More on this later, as was not getting support answers in a timely or even ANY answers] that was until one day, I was so fed up I CC’d  Tim [ceo] and within 1.5 hours, got a phone call.

I have also been with them, since Datek days, and I think I could retire now, on total commissions 🙂

I then spent an hour with forget who, but originally spoke with [was told] head of dev, then a call back from a “pup” and spent 1.5 hours, on little things broken, that need fixing…and now 1.5 months and still nothing changed.

How I can access Scan editor, other than having to be in the Scan tab itself please?

As it’s a PIA to have to be working with one, for example just now having a short bit of time to spend here finally, [ and thank you for previous email replies] and have tossed into “the coffers” and much more to come, as I get rolling here, so here we go ~~

Scenario is creating an initial scan, and using the (3) tabs

Setup Scan > Scan In > Intersect With

Is there any “widget” or method to NOT leave this screen, to simply pop into view/edit the syntax of my selected prior built, Intersect with scan?


/* Disclosure

  • Age 60 bar charting on graph paper since newspaper days
  • Paper tape programmer since the mid 70’s
  • Taught to read ticker tape about age 12
  • On MSFT DOS beta team from 3.00 to 6.2 and then went to NT 3.5/3.51/4.0 up until Win2K
  • Beta with QuoteTracker [now MedVed Trader] since about inception
  • Beta with what used to be SSOL [SmartServ Online] and not sure who they sold to












Marked as spam
Posted by (Questions: 1, Answers: 1)
Asked on February 23, 2019 5:50 am
Private answer

As I understand your question. There is no alternative method of accessing or modifying scans on the platform. Sorry.

Marked as spam
Posted by (Questions: 37, Answers: 4127)
Answered on February 25, 2019 10:51 am