

Can you generate an buy/sell alert from a strategy and sent to your cell phone or iPad? Also, does the chart have to be open for alert to be generator? Thank you jim

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Posted by (Questions: 1, Answers: 0)
Asked on December 26, 2017 11:40 am
Private answer

Please be careful to use a more descriptive title for your questions. “Alerts”, is a meaningless title when posted in the topic “Alerts and Notifications”. Other visitors to the forum are not going to gain any value from that title.

The answer to your question has been demonstrated in several of our videos. Since you are asking this question I am guessing you just found this site and have not begun to explore the dozens of free tutorials we have published.

The first step to your solution is to create and save a custom scan. Then you will create a dynamic alert from that saved custom scan. There are several pieces involved and you will need to learn how to use several tools in the Thinkorswim platform. Plan to spend a couple of afternoons viewing tutorial videos and applying the knowledge to achieving your goal.

Creating and saving custom scans:

Converting Scans to Strategies and vise versa (because you stated that you want to take the buys and sells from a strategy and generate alerts):

Building a Dynamic Alert from a saved custom Scan:

It’s towards the end of this last video where all the pieces are brought together.

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Posted by (Questions: 37, Answers: 4129)
Answered on December 26, 2017 12:26 pm