Apply stock filter in Option Hacker scan


Hi Pete,
To prevent so many results, I have a limiter set for the opening range breakout for Stock Hacker. However, this doesn’t work when used in Option Hacker. Does TOS not set up to do this?


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Posted by (Questions: 8, Answers: 18)
Asked on June 21, 2019 7:56 am
"Limiter"? What is that?
( at June 21, 2019 8:41 am)
Threshold a stock needs to be above an X % in order to show up in scan. By implementing a threshold, it dramatically reduces the results so the dreaded "Custom expression subscription limited exceeded" doesn't rear its ugly head. input Limiter = 0.005. This example means the stock needs to be at 0.50% above its opening range high in order to show up in the scan.
( at June 21, 2019 9:52 am)
Private answer

Ok, so in Thinkorswim we call this a "filter". So you want to be able to add filters to the Option Hacker screen? Those are available. HOWEVER: They are only applied to individual options contracts and not the underlying stock. In Thinkorswim, the scan functionality for Stock symbols and Options are completely separated. In almost all cases there is no way to work around this barrier.

One method is to create your filters on the Stock Hacker tool. Then save that scan. You can then use that saved scan as a top level filter for the Option Hacker scan. See the screenshot below for an example. This will cause the Option Hacker screen to filter its results based on the Stock Hacker saved scan named "_Filtered_Stocks".

If this does the trick I let me know so I can update your question's title to something that works better for other folks that are searching for this same issue. Such as "How to apply stock level filters in Option Hacker"

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Posted by (Questions: 37, Answers: 4129)
Answered on June 21, 2019 10:52 am
I was hoping I could load a custom scan under Option Hacker and it would work like under Stock Hacker. This way I wouldn't have to constantly save it under Stock Hacker like you explained because it could fall under the threshold.
( at June 21, 2019 3:57 pm)
Would you know why the scan doesn't work in Option Hacker when I intersect it with a stock filter? It gives results but doesn't follow the threshold rule.
( at June 25, 2019 9:32 am)
Private answer

After receiving feedback from the author of this post I decided to spend some significant time playing around with these scans to see how I might make this work. For some unknown reason the idea I proposed in the first answer does not work. It works for Stock Hacker scans, which I have done in the past. But for whatever reason it does not work for Option Hacker scans.

The screenshot below shows the Stock Hacker scan on the left and the Option Hacker scan on the right. You can see data for only one ticker symbol is returned for each. As it turns out, the Option Hacker scan has filters specifically for the underlying stock. So if you have certain filter criteria you typically apply in Stock Hacker, those same criteria can be easily applied in Option Hacker.

Screenshot below shows the results. This is a very simplistic example. But it does show how the setup for the filters is exactly the same on both (I've added drawings to indicate the various fields I used).

If this answer correctly resolves your question then be sure to click the up button immediately to the left of this answer. This will cause this question to sort to the top of any other answers on this topic.


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Posted by (Questions: 37, Answers: 4129)
Answered on June 25, 2019 2:17 pm
How do I do an attachment when adding a comment?
( at June 25, 2019 3:06 pm)
There is no way to add attachments to comments. You can upload it to a cloud service and include a link to it in your comment.
( at June 25, 2019 3:33 pm)