Before approving this question I first had to update the title of your question and move it to the correct topic. Your original question used the title: "Creating Watchlist Column" and it was posted in the Frequently Asked Questions topic.
That's a great way for your question to be lost, in which case you would never receive the free solution you are seeking. Please consider this the next time you post a question in this forum.
input trailType = {default modified, unmodified};
input ATRPeriod = 5;
input ATRFactor = 3.5;
input firstTrade = {default long, short};
input averageType = AverageType.WILDERS;
def thisATR = ATRTrailingStop(trailType, ATRPeriod, ATRFactor, firstTrade, averageType).TrailingStop;
rec countBullish = if close < thisATR then 0 else countBullish[1] + 1; rec countBearish = if close > thisATR then 0 else countBearish[1] + 1;
AddLabel(yes, if close > thisATR then "Buy: " + countBullish else "Sell: " + countBearish, if close > thisATR then Color.GREEN else Color.RED);