Background color is wrong



You recently wrote me code to color the background color of watch list based on MACD.  The settings I use are 5,10,6

For a while now I have notice that many times the background color does not match the settings. I cannot figure out

why.  Many times the background color should be green and its red.  Checking the values of MACD confirms it should

be red.  Checking the code its looks fine.  I have included two attachments to show this.  The example i use is QQQ, 4hour chart…3rd red color from the left in the screen shot.  Then look at screen shot of 4hr chart and check  the

values of MACD.  I could be wrong but cant figure why.  Hope you can help.

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Posted by (Questions: 10, Answers: 11)
Asked on July 13, 2017 9:52 am

Thanks Pete. I have checked these settings. I do not have after hours selected nor the start aggregrations selected. I am using Bid price on Forex. I have noticed that this occurs on mostly intraday frames and when MACD is above the zero line.

( at July 13, 2017 2:20 pm)
Private answer

Very common issue. See this post for details:

Be sure to check ALL your chart settings in addition to the aggregation period set on the watchlist column (extended hours checkbox). The default settings for intraday charts do not match the data used in Watchlists, Scans, Study Alerts or Conditional Orders.

If you still cannot get them to match please reply in the comments section below and we’ll investigate further.

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Posted by (Questions: 37, Answers: 4129)
Answered on July 13, 2017 12:11 pm

Follow up comment: I went back and checked the columns, a couple of them did have after hours selected and that seemed to help it. I know this isnt your problem but TOS has a habit of changing your settings randomly, its happened to me several times. Thanks for your help.

( at July 13, 2017 2:27 pm)