Conditional OCO order (Auto-trade) works and then doesn’t


Thank you so much for your videos and websites, they are a phenomenal amount of great information that have helped me tremendously.

Curious if you have encountered this?  I have successfully placed multiple ‘Auto-trade Almost’ conditional orders with OCO Bracket based on my own custom buy and sell signal study.  I understand that the order must be re-created once it has executed once.  I have tried with templates, have tried creating duplicate orders, and have tried entering the entire conditional order from scratch.  At best, I might get it to work 2 or maybe even 3 times but no matter what I do it will fail to execute after a few successful executions.   At first I thought I had messed something up, but I have re-created them successfully hundreds of times.

It almost appears as though the account is being blocked for the Finra day trading rule…  any ideas?

I have a funded TD account and the papermoney account is linked to same username. I want to try and implement this on real money (a very small amount) I have been practicing with papermoney for nearly a month since funded account.

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Posted by (Questions: 1, Answers: 1)
Asked on October 6, 2019 5:09 am
Private answer

Since you have not provide your code, or a screenshot showing how you setup the conditional order there is really nothing we can do to assist you.

Some ideas to troubleshoot the issue:

  1. Try using this code to setup a Study Alert. If the Study Alert triggers 100% of the time and your Conditional Order does NOT....
  2. Then check that you have set the Conditional Order to a Market order and not a Limit order.

I have consulted another user of this tool who reported a similar issue. Turned out they were using limit orders instead of market orders. A limit order will only execute at the limit price or beyond. The limit order does not ensure the order will execute when it hits the market. Only a market order will ensure it executes when it is submitted to the market.

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Posted by (Questions: 37, Answers: 4129)
Answered on October 6, 2019 8:43 am
I have been using limit orders but I have been setting them to enter at the ask +0, which i thought was, a market order. I can certainly try it with market orders. Find attached how I setup the orders. I have found that copying and pasting the code seems to be problematic, but if I go through as you show in the video, and use condition wizard, everything seems to work. (until it has made a few successful ones, then stops) I can send you the code if you think it will help, but I check to make sure I get a graph under the chart each time I go through the condition wizard and several have executed correctly, so i think my code is ok, its user-error with the platform. Of course im sure it could be improved as always. Please find attached screenshots. Almost all trades shown in pic were auto-trades except the one thats scratched out. Of course some of them bought correctly but then did not exit on cue, so they lost Some of them were me learning and user-error, so they lost. Some I intervened and they lost. But the majority that executed fully and correctly were profitable so I really want to get this up and running. Thank you so much for your time! JJ
( at October 6, 2019 9:46 am)
Right, so you have confirmed the issue is the order type. You cannot use limit orders and expect the order to execute every time it's triggered. Limit orders guarantee a price but NOT an execution. Markets orders guarantee an execution but NOT an execution price. That's just basic order-flow logic.
( at October 6, 2019 10:02 am)