Converting strategy buy and sell to condition orders


(I don’t know where the correct place to ask this question, please move if necessary)

I have a strategy currently working on TOS and I wanted to “automate” a trades a bit. I understand that the closest we can ‘automate’ our trading (at least through TOS) is to setup conditional trades. If I post up the script of the strategy I currently use, could someone help me convert it into conditional orders to buy and sell trades? Thank you!

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Posted by (Questions: 2, Answers: 1)
Asked on May 15, 2020 11:05 am
Private answer

I moved this to the Strategy Guide topic and updated the question of the title to better reflect the context of your request.

In the following video I demonstrate how to do exactly what you have requested. The video includes a set of code templates you can use to convert code in both directions.

If the strategy you are trying to convert is too complicated for this process then it's also to complex a solution for what I can provide here in the Q&A forum. So if you can't get things working on your own the only alternative I have is for you to submit this as a custom project request so that we can provide a professional (fee based) solution.

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Posted by (Questions: 37, Answers: 4129)
Answered on May 15, 2020 11:52 am
I am all for that! I did watch that video, yesterday, trying to implement it into my strategy. I couldn't quite figure it out but I will most definitely try again and get with you if I need your professional services. Thanks again, Pete!
( at May 15, 2020 6:04 pm)
Private answer

New features have been enabled in Thinkorswim which provide fully automated round trip trades. Meaning we can now automate the entry and the exit and we can daisy-chain multiple stages within the order sequence so that multiple round trip trades can be accomplished automatically. In addition to this, we can save these orders as an order templates so they can be reused with very little effort.

Check the following video for the full details:


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Posted by (Questions: 37, Answers: 4129)
Answered on April 18, 2022 1:25 pm