Display time when ticker symbol added to scan results


Hey Pete,

I know from the past posts that there is limitation in TOS on how much we can do with Options. But I have a decent scanner to pull Option Volume and I get alerts ringing nicely too. But the only issue is that its difficult to find items added to this “Dynamic Scan/Watchlist”. The newly added entries are lost somewhere in the watch list and hard to find. Is it possible to color code or highlight the newly pulled items into the watch list or any other way to easily identify the items newly added to watchlist?


I’m struggling using the GetTime() but no luck. Help will be appreciated.



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Posted by (Questions: 6, Answers: 10)
Asked on May 28, 2020 11:05 pm
Private answer

The short answer is no, not directly. This has already been requested and there are two posts in the forum on this topic already. Search term is "time stamp" and they are listed under the Watch Lists topic. The reason is because a scan does not display data, but rather it only outputs a list of ticker symbols. Only a custom watchlist column would be able to display information related to WHEN a particular ticker symbol satisfied the conditions of the scan and was added to the results list.

At this time we can only display the number of bars ago that a condition was first true for any given sticker symbol in a watchlist column, but not the time. Here are the links to the two posts that have already been solved for this issue:




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Posted by (Questions: 37, Answers: 4129)
Answered on May 29, 2020 6:59 am