Dual Time frame SMA scanner


Hi there Pete,

I need help building a simple moving average based price action scanner. Two time frames are concerned 4H and 1H. I am looking for an entry confirmation on the 1H, while the 4H is doing something.


-34 SMA is above the 13 SMA (by at least 4% of price, though not important)

-The latest 4H candle has closed above the 13SMA, and below the 34SMA

-candle is bullish


-13 SMA is above the 34SMA
– latest 1h candle has closed above 13SMA (this needs to be most accurate, as this is the entry confirmation)
-candle is bullish


Ideally, SMA and time frames are changeable to other values.

Can you please help? Willing to purchase fully working scanner.. Thank you. Have added pics to clarify.

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Posted by (Questions: 1, Answers: 1)
Asked on July 16, 2020 12:06 am
Private answer

Scans consisting of multiple time frames are much easier to construct than the average user realizes. The reason for this is that on Thinkorswim it's impossible to combine multiple time frames in the same Study Filter. Wait, what? Yes. You need to see an example to understand what I just described? Here you go:


So now that you know how to construct a scan based on multiple time frames you can build everything you have described in your request using the Condition Wizard:


The only detail you cannot easily achieve using the Condition Wizard is the "by at least 4% of price", which you listed a not important. So take some time to learn how to use the Condition Wizard and you will be amazed by all the different types of scans you create without having to right one line of code.

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Posted by (Questions: 37, Answers: 4129)
Answered on July 16, 2020 8:22 am
Thank you Pete! I’ll keep at it
( at July 16, 2020 9:48 am)