Equivilent scan to TradeZero top list Most Active


Sorry Pete, these pictures were meant to show up in between what was said there.

This is Tradezero top list ”Most Active” and wanted a TOS equivalent. I trade in PM and wanted to make sure the timeframes in equity settings also aligned right and or should be switched after the open? as well as what intraday timeframe you would  suggest for pre-market on scans. Thank you

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Posted by (Questions: 2, Answers: 1)
Asked on September 29, 2020 6:35 pm
Private answer

Notice that I have updated the title of your question to include the full description and I was sure to include the name TradeZero along with the names of the scan from that platform you are trying to replicate on Thinkorswim. That's a bare minimum for any title to a question in the Q&A forum. Without those details we have to jump through a lot of extra steps to determine what you are actually requesting. Which is why I requested that you post this question a second time and include screenshots showing exactly what you are asking for.

Now that we have finally arrived at this point I have some bad news for you. We don't have any of the most important details required to replicate this on Thinkorswim. Such as, exactly what filter criteria are being used on the TradeZero platform to create that list. I have no experience using TradeZero, and in fact until I read this post I was not even aware it existed.

If you know the exact set of filter criteria used to generate that list on TradeZero than we can take a stab at finding or creating an equivalent scan on Thinkorswim. However in all the time it took me to get to this level of detail I have zero time left available to provide a free solution in the Q&A forum.

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Posted by (Questions: 37, Answers: 4127)
Answered on September 30, 2020 11:07 am