Find ask of current strike price minus ask of next


Hi Peter,

Thanks for your contributions on this forum.

Let’s say AAPL is currently trading at $370 and call option for $387.5 is at $3 and the call option option for $390 is at $2. Is there a way to display a column in watchlist showing $1 as the difference between the current option price minus the next strike price option ?

I have attached a screenshot of my Watchlist and would like to have this field as a column in there.

Any help/guidance is much appreciated.

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Posted by (Questions: 1, Answers: 1)
Asked on July 21, 2020 1:00 pm
Private answer

The solution is extremely convoluted and complex because Thinkorswim does not provide language tools for parsing strings and working with options data. There is no way I can build something like this from scratch in the short time I permit for free solutions in the Q&A forum.

The code will need to include user inputs for expiration date. And if the first option in your comparison is not the current ITM money the complexity skyrockets. Royal pain in the butt. I don't even want to offer to do this for a fee.

Here is your best solution. Learn how to use RTD in Excel (Real Time Data). The following video shows how to export an entire option chain to Excel. Only works for Windows computers though.

Once you get the option chain into Excel you can build whatever formulas you want and compute all the values you need.


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Posted by (Questions: 37, Answers: 4128)
Answered on July 21, 2020 1:54 pm
Thank you Pete for your response. Thanks for the useful hint on rtd in excel. I can perform my calculation in excel. I understand your comments. I was trying to use getSymbol() to capture the option name, however as you said need to parse it and fabricate the next strike price option name which seems to be complex.
( at July 21, 2020 4:44 pm)
If you export the entire option chain then the value of each option strike level will be included in the spreadsheet. Should be nothing special required. Simply build a formula that references the current price of the two option strikes you want to compare.
( at July 21, 2020 8:51 pm)