Find stocks meeting or exceeding previous high


I want to run a scan in TOS that meets two conditions.

The first condition is a stock that has made a new High price within the last three years.

Then I want to combine that first condition with a scan that will show me the stocks that have either equaled or exceeded that previous high within an aggregation period I can change. Especially from either a month, weekly or daily scan. So to be more specific I want one scan to show the stocks that meet these two criteria. Is this possible within the TOS condition wizard to accomplish this or does a new code need to be written?

Thanks for all your help and knowledge and sharing it with us


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Posted by (Questions: 6, Answers: 3)
Asked on December 9, 2019 4:15 pm
Private answer

This is probably not something you can scan for in Thinkorswim. Your first criteria, that the stock has made a new high within the last three years. But you don't say if that high should be an all time high or a new high after a specified period of time. Let me explain that last sentence. We'll take a stock that made new high exactly 3 years ago. Well this would require that you look back even further than 3 years to find out if that high from three years ago was indeed a new high. So the first item you need to clear up is how you define this "new high".

Until you nail down this first criteria the second one unachievable.

So, did you mean that you want to find stocks that have made a new 52 week high, at any point in the previous three years? Well this would then require our scan to look back a total of 4 years. If this is correct, we have a problem. The historical data available to any scan is limited to the last 2 years. Details here:

So for criteria one, the best we can hope for in Thinkorswim is a scan that looks back one year, to find stocks that have made a 52 week high within that last year.

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Posted by (Questions: 37, Answers: 4129)
Answered on December 9, 2019 5:52 pm