First 5 Min candle closing below 72 and 89 EMAs


Hi Pete,  you previously did a scan for me similar to my new request.     I want to know if  you can modify the scan to keep track of when the candle closed above the 2 EMAs and at least an hour has passed before a 5 min candle closing in the opposite direction (below the 2 EMAs).  I am attaching a screenshot showing an example of this situation.

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Posted by (Questions: 6, Answers: 17)
Asked on May 31, 2019 6:28 pm
Private answer

The "first full candle above" in the example screenshot you provided is not compatible with that original code. In your original code you required that the ma's needed to be stacked. So the 72 ema needs to be above the 89 ema. In this screenshot they are reversed. So you do not have a valid "first full candle above" that is compatible with that original code.

The code to solve this requires a bit more complexity than what I am willing to provide at no charge in the Q&A forum. Even if you decided to change the rules for the "first full candle above". The code will need to track the number of bars since the full cross above as well as the number of bars since the full cross below. It will then need to establish a 'status', so the code knows what condition was last presented and how many bars since it appeared.

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Posted by (Questions: 37, Answers: 4129)
Answered on June 4, 2019 1:19 pm