Getting stock prices for options


Is it possible to make a scanner that can combined options and stocks.


Stock(last price) * .05) <  is  Option ( last Bid) price

Thank you


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Posted by (Questions: 5, Answers: 1)
Asked on October 6, 2019 11:56 pm
Private answer

Not for Thinkorswim. Not at this time. Any such scanner would require that you know the exact option expiration, strike and type beforehand. Defeating the entire purpose of building the scan in the first place.

A bit more detail if you are curious.

The first requirement is that you would need to use the "Option Hacker" scan in Thinkorswim. Then in order to read the price of the underlying stock you would then need to add a Study Filter. It has already been shown that Study Filters in the Option Hacker scan do not read option related data, but can only access data from the underlying stock. There is one method used to get the option price:

You will see from that link that you need to provide every single possible piece of data for the given option. Such that by the time you have done so, you have narrowed the scope of your scan to a single stock, and a single option for that stock. Which means you have to know your scan results before you run the scan. Get it?

There appears to be something lacking in the Option Hacker scan. Because there are several legitimate scenarios like this one, for which there is a massive gap in applicable tools to get the job done.

In summary, the only recourse at this time is to submit this to TDA support as a feature request for Thinkorswim. If enough users submit this feature request they may address it in a future release.

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Posted by (Questions: 37, Answers: 4129)
Answered on October 7, 2019 9:20 am