How to link display columns to TOS scan?


I have searched the TOS website and all their documentation and even Googled the web, but am unable to figure a way to match a particular set of display columns to different scans that I save. I can’t even seem to find a way to save a particular set of columns for a scan with a chosen name so that I can easily recall it. It seems that this should be easy and therefore should be able to find the documentation as to how. But it totally escapes me.

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Posted by (Questions: 1, Answers: 1)
Asked on June 2, 2021 12:39 pm
Private answer

There are many different ways your request can be interpreted and I had to read it several times before I was ready to begin providing my response. I still don't think I fully grasp each of the items you are trying to solve.

For example I really don't know what this means: "match a particular set of display columns to different scans that I save"

My interpretation is that you want to save the layout of a watchlist. So that you can store the various columns you have added to the watchlist exactly in the same order in which they are arranged at the time to you save it. There is no such option available. Doesn't exist at all in Thinkorswim. For the sake of defining this missing feature, we'll call this "saving a watchlist layout".

But that interpretation fails to account for your inclusion of "scans that I save" in your request. So I go back and read that again and try to understand. (a screenshot or two showing what you are trying to achieve would have saved me a tremendous amount of time and effort here). So getting back to that bit out saved custom scans. There is no way to "link" a saved custom scan to a particular "watchlist layout". Because it is impossible to "save a watchlist layout" in the first place. The only thing you can do is to assign a saved custom scan as the content generator of a watchlist gadget. We might call this a "dynamic watchlist".

As I read through the rest of your request I believe that what you need most is to take the time to learn everything there is to know about how the current version of Thinkorswim handles custom scans. The following video is exactly that:

Check the video description and you will find a topical index that will help you jump straight to particular topics that interest you. However I highly recommend you watch the entire video from start to finish because once you complete the video you will know everything there is to know about scans in Thinkorswim. What I mean by that is, if you don't see it explained in this video it simply does not exist in the current version of Thinkorswim.

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Posted by (Questions: 37, Answers: 4128)
Answered on June 2, 2021 1:50 pm
I am sorry, that I was not clear in the explanation of my question. I had already watched that entire video that you pointed to earlier today hoping to get an answer to my question. After I did not find the answer in the video, that is when I posted the question. I agree with you that the same problem exists for watchlists, and that is frustrating for me as well. For every scan that one runs, a unique set of columns needs to be customized depending on the purpose of the scan. Why should I have to build the same desired customized columns list I built previously each time I run a different type of scan? It makes no sense to me. That is why I was sure there must be a solution. But I appreciate your answer. Even if it was not the answer which I hoped for.
( at June 2, 2021 11:28 pm)
The lack of this feature (saving watchlist layouts) has been pointed out elsewhere in the forum but this post may get more attention as it directly speaks to the importance of having this feature enabled in Thinkorswim. We need the developers of Thinkorswim to recognize how important this is to all users of the platform. The only way they will know is if everyone running across this post takes the time to submit this as a feature request for a future upgrade of Thinkorswim. You might even consider sharing this post with your contacts in the trading community and encourage them to submit their own feature requests to TD Ameritrade support.
( at June 3, 2021 10:32 am)
Would it be a good idea to have a special section on this website dedicated to ThinkorSwim enhancement requests? I know that you have a better (more precise and concise) way of stating things than I do, and perhaps others as well. If many different people make enhancement requests to TD Ameritrade and the requests are all worded differently, then there may be no additive effect. If at least a "Title Summary" was the same, then this may be helpful.
( at June 3, 2021 1:06 pm)
I truly believe it's best if each individual post their own feature request using their own terminology. The fact that each request is worded differently actually ads weight to each individual requests because if everyone submits exactly the same description we risk TD Ameritrade considering such feature requests as spam. I don't see any value to adding a section for this to the website unless we can get Thinkorswim developers to regularly read existing feature requests and provide responses and updates on each feature request (and that is not going to happen). I think it's best to let TD Ameritrade support handle those feature requests as well as tracking those details within their own system.
( at June 3, 2021 2:31 pm)