Index Symbols in TOS


Hi Pete, has wierd ticker symbols for index like, Dow Jones U.S. Medical Supplies Index ($DJUSMS)

how can i find those same indexes in TOS ? what are the ticker symbols in TOS ?

Thank you



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Posted by (Questions: 13, Answers: 13)
Asked on December 15, 2016 3:08 pm
Private answer

Well I think I have an answer for this. See attached screenshot for an example. When you click the drop-down for the ticker symbol of a chart, you can select “Lookup” from the tabs at the top. There is a search box, you can type the symbol there. You can type a partial to see a list or the full ticker to drill down to the exact one.

If you wanted to display the full list of available Indices in a watchlist, you can select “INDICES” from one of the public lists. You could then export the watchlist to Excel, where you could use a “vlookup” function against the list in to see which ones match. (I’m just lazy that way)

That should keep you busy for a bit.

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Posted by (Questions: 37, Answers: 4129)
Answered on December 15, 2016 6:46 pm