Is there a way to save my customized watch lists?


A viewer asks: What I grow tired of doing is customizing my watchlists practically each trading day on TOS. TOS has some quirks to it like forgetting the customized columns. I have not found a way to save my custom columns as the watchlist default either. Even if I have exported the watchlist with my custom columns, the custom columns are not considered when importing the same file, only the symbols are imported and are displayed with the TOS default watchlist columns. Please tell me there is a way to apply new column defaults in TOS.

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Posted by (Questions: 37, Answers: 4130)
Asked on November 9, 2016 5:29 pm
Private answer

I completely understand your points about the inability to save a specific watchlist layout. If enough of us submit this as a feature request to: [email protected] then we have a very good chance of seeing that added. Now in the mean time I do have a workaround for you. If you view the 3 part series I did on setting up TOS for multiple monitors you will see there is a way to save the layout of the entire platform. When you save the layout, all of your watch lists get saved along with it. It even remembers the size and location of individual windows. Here is a direct link to the playlist:

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Posted by (Questions: 37, Answers: 4130)
Answered on November 9, 2016 5:33 pm

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