KKB Scanner and chart results not matching


I followed the instructions on this website to a tee on how to properly download and install the KBB Squeeze indicator…Unfortunately, the KBB green dot value reading on the radar screen, AND in the scanner, do not match to the KBB green dots on the charts. The radar screen KBB value reading for a specific ticker may read 2, but when i pull up the chart i see red dots instead of 2 green, or another example, the KBB reading value may read 1, but when i pull up the chart there are 12 green dots. Same when matching scan results to the chart. Also, the MACD histogram color (red) show as blue in the radar screen as well (Screenshot attached). When i downloaded i imported using the .eld file, (the first method from this website) and imported file. Is there a way to fix this so the radar screen, scanner, and chart KBB numbers match with the green dots and histogram color matches???


[email protected]


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Posted by (Questions: 1, Answers: 1)
Asked on July 24, 2020 2:57 pm
Private answer

In your first screenshot, the chart is set to daily and the row selected on your RadarScreen is set to 15 min. For the second screenshot, the chart is set to included extended hours trading session. Chances are very high the RadarScreen does not. Check that to be sure. I think that should clear things up.

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Posted by (Questions: 37, Answers: 4129)
Answered on July 24, 2020 7:25 pm