Label Display which compares the Nymex Open Value with previous data


Hi Pete,

I am in need of a script which displays some labels right after Nymex opens at 9 am EST as per below if the conditions are met.

1 – If Nymex Open is >= previuos day pit close then label as Nymex Open>P.Day Pit Close

2- If Nymex Open is < previuos day pit close then label as Nymex Open<P.Day Pit Close

3- If Nymex Open is >  daily candle open value, label as Nymex Open> Daily open

4- If Nymex Open is <  daily candle open value, label as Nymex Open< Daily open

5- If Nymex Open is >= daily Pivot, label as Nymex Open< Daily Pivot

6- – If Nymex Open is < daily Pivot, label as Nymex Open < Daily Pivot

7- If Nymex Open is > previos day Eu Close, label as Nymex Open >  EU Close

8- If Nymex Open is < previos day Eu Close, label as Nymex Open < EU Close

Nymex open = open value just before 9 AM Est

Previous day Pit Close = Close value just before 2:30 PM EST for the previous day.

Daily Candle Open Value = Open Value at 6 PM ESt( 15 hrs before NYmex Open)

Daily Pivot= hlc/3 for the previous day candle values

Previous day EU close = close value just before 11:30 AM est for the previous day.

Thank you for your help.


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Posted by (Questions: 49, Answers: 62)
Asked on December 22, 2019 12:19 am
Private answer

Out of respect for those clients who are paying me for solutions less complex than this I will not be able to provide a solution here in the Q&A forum. You are welcome to submit this as a custom project request. Details here:

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Posted by (Questions: 37, Answers: 4129)
Answered on December 22, 2019 8:00 am