Here is code that plots an overlay of high and low from higher time frame. I’ve added a bit of bling by shading the space between the high and low based on whether the bar itself was an up bar or a down bar. Screenshot shows how it looks on the chart.
input higherTimeFrame = AggregationPeriod.HOUR;
def priceO = open(period = higherTimeFrame);
plot priceH = high(period = higherTimeFrame);
plot priceL = low(period = higherTimeFrame);
def priceC = close(period = higherTimeFrame);
def upBar = priceC >= priceO;
def downBar = priceC < priceO;
AddCloud(if upBar then priceH else Double.NaN, if upBar then priceL else Double.NaN, Color.GREEN, Color.DARK_GRAY);
AddCloud(if downBar then priceH else Double.NaN, if downBar then priceL else Double.NaN, Color.RED, Color.DARK_GRAY);