Plot current strikes based on current deltas



I was wondering if there was a way to plot call or put strikes at their expiration based on a user determined delta range?

I was hoping to be able to visually see strike deltas on the chart, rather than scrolling the option chain to see which strike a 0.30 or 0.20 is currently being attributed to.

I’m imagining it to be similar to the probability cone but in sync with current strike deltas.

Example would be plotting positions of all strikes with a 0.20-0.25 delta at the 2week, 3week, 4week, 6mo, 9mo expirations, etc…

This would be helpful for traders looking to take action at specific delta regions, esp in tickers like tsla or spy that has miles of strikes on their options chain.

thank you!

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Posted by (Questions: 1, Answers: 1)
Asked on February 13, 2021 12:11 pm
Private answer

I will not be able to provide a solution to this request in the Q&A Forum. I have a client who paid for a custom chart study of a similar nature. The lines at each strike price could not be drawn on the chart due to limitations in Thinkorswim language. The final solution was to provide a set of chart labels displaying data for several strike prices based on an expiration date selected in the chart study.

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Posted by (Questions: 37, Answers: 4129)
Answered on February 13, 2021 1:08 pm
oh i see! thank you for such a quick reply! So I take it, there's no way for plotting strikes based on delta ranges... Does that solution plot every strike price from that expiration date? If not, how is each strike selected for plotting?
( at February 14, 2021 12:39 pm)
Chart labels only and no plots. Each strike-label must be hard coded into the chart study. The code starts at the ATM contracts and then stair-steps through a fixed number of OTM contracts. The code is a real nightmare because Thinkorswim lacks some very basic, but essential elements for working this options data on the charts. Which is shocking for most users because Thinkorswim was at one time the most advanced trading platform for options traders.
( at February 14, 2021 12:47 pm)
thank you so much for your explanation!
( at February 14, 2021 8:47 pm)