Possible Chart Overlay to Show Nadex Spreads?


Hey, everyone.

Monday – Friday, at about 7:40 am, Nadex puts out the parameters for their 8 am spreads, which are 200 points. I like putting those on TOS so I can see the ceilings and floors and place my trades accordingly.

Up to now I have setting these all by hand every morning but am wondering if there is a way to set them all at once or create some kind of array/indicator that will do it all at once. I have attached a screenshot of how these look on my charts. I use and prefer ovals so that I  can see where the spreads begin and end. The parameters of the ovals are 200 points top to bottom and 20 minutes wide.

Any input into this is much appreciated. Thanks.

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Posted by (Questions: 2, Answers: 1)
Asked on May 18, 2020 8:47 am
Private answer

Completely impossible to create or modify drawing objects from the Thinkorswim language. Only possibility is to plot lines. The chart study would need to include user adjustable inputs for the value of each "spread". So rather than drawing circles you would open the Edit Studies window and manually input each value as well as the start time and end time for each spread.

I venture to say that manually drawing your circles is going to be faster, easier and more visually actionable.

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Posted by (Questions: 37, Answers: 4129)
Answered on May 18, 2020 10:31 am