price crossing level scan


Thinkscript seems so flexible yet I can never seem to make much headway on an idea (thankfully Pete is here guiding the way a bit) .  just the basic logic for a scan where price is crossing a level would be so useful, yet I can’t figure out how to start: anyone point me in the right direction? for ex: the (intra day or current price – can be a “close” of an intraday bar) just crossed the previous close, yesterdays high, 20 day sma, etc

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Posted by (Questions: 1, Answers: 1)
Asked on October 25, 2017 2:57 pm
Private answer

Each of you examples are easily constructed using the condition wizard. There is no need to write a single line of code. See attached screenshots for your three examples. The ‘intraday close below previous daily low’ is a bit more complex and requires code. However the examples given below will work on a daily time frame.

If you want to learn how to work with the condition wizard to build more advanced conditions, be sure to view our video titled: Thinkorswim AutoTrade Almost . Just ignore the parts about building strategies and conditional orders. Focus on the parts that show how to use the condition wizard. It can be used all over the platform.

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Posted by (Questions: 37, Answers: 4129)
Answered on October 25, 2017 3:29 pm
Private answer

I understand how to use the wizard-maybe my problem is I haven’t used it enough to see how it works… for example: in the scans above, WHEN does the alert happen? “close crosses above high from 1 bar ago” – does that mean when today’s candle closes and it’s above yest high I get an alert (like at 4pm)? or is “close” just a holder term for current price?  I tried to build a scan with the wizard using logic that made sense to what I wanted “close of 5 min bar (because I don’t see “price” and “bid” doesn’t seem to work) is above high from a day ago” and it said I couldn’t mix timframes.  I’ll start with the “prev high” one today and see if i get alerts when price goes over yest high (and one for under yest low) when it actually happens or after the close.  As for the scans that may be a bit more complex and require code – that’s the main problem I’m complaining about – figuring out the code!  I have been watching the “Autotrade Almost” vid for tips… and again, many thanks for the work you’ve shared.  Perhaps one day I’ll be paying you for some scan work!

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Posted by (Questions: 1, Answers: 1)
Answered on October 26, 2017 3:58 am

For a stock data, all we have to work with is Open, High , Low, Close and Volume. Yes, Close represents the most recently traded price. Running on a daily time frame, as displayed in the screenshot, this will trigger intraday whenever the condition is true. It does not wait until the close of the day.

You cannot mix time frames in scans. I wish they would remove those options because it causes a lot of confusion, as you have experienced. So we cannot test for yesterday’s daily high begin crossed by today’s 5 min intraday price. I did explain there was a way to do this on a 5 min time frame scan, but was quite complicated and required code.

I understand your frustration. We do a tremendous amount of custom projects for folks. The question I always propose is: “Are you a trader or a developer”? If you are a trader then spend your efforts honing those skills. And pay a developer from your profits, and only when you need it. Until you are a profitable trader you have no need of a developer.

( at October 26, 2017 8:06 am)

Great points, Pete…I’ll keep being a “weekend developer” and when I need some complex TOS work done, I’ll gladly shoot you some profits. Thanks again.

( at October 27, 2017 5:27 am)