Price Percentage Change indicator help


i want to make an indicator that plots the price percentage change of 2 symbols between any timeframe’s current price and that symbol’s prior day’s US market close. below is what i have so far.
i got this “price percentage change with histogram” to plot the difference between 2 symbols correctly on a “Daily” timeframe chart only. the code makes the calculation based off the prior “bar’s” close. i want to make it so the calculation of the prior bar is always the prior “day’s” US market close. it plots on lower timeframe charts like a 1-minute chart but it plots the change from the prior bar’s close which is just 1 minute prior and does not calculate it from the prior “Day’s” US market close like i want it to.
any ideas? charts attached for more clarity. any help would be greatly appreciated. Many Thanks.
below is the code on TOS for this:

#works on daily chart, need to get it to work on any timeframe like 1 minute
declare lower;

#Symbol Input
input SYMB1 = “PEP”;
input SYMB2 = “KO”;

def Price1 = close(symbol = SYMB1)[1];
def Price2 = close(symbol = SYMB1);

def Price3 = close(symbol = SYMB2)[1];
def Price4 = close(symbol = SYMB2);

plot PercentChg1 = ((Price2 – Price1) / Price1)*100;
plot PercentChg2 = ((Price4 – Price3) / Price3)*100;

plot Hist = (PercentChg1-PercentChg2);
Hist.assignValueColor(if PercentChg1 >=PercentChg2 then else;

******* below is extra code which might help ********************

plot DailyClose = close(period=”DAY”)[1];


#HINT: This study plots a chart label for Net Change and Percent Change from prior close (regardless of time period of the chart.

input period_Type = AggregationPeriod.DAY;

def begin = close(period = period_Type)[1];
def end = close(period = period_Type);
def NetChg = end – begin;
def PctChg = (end / begin) – 1;

AddLabel(yes, “Change from Prior close: ” + AsDollars(NetChg) + ” ” + AsPercent(PctChg), if NetChg > 0 then Color.GREEN else if NetChg < 0 then color.RED else color.LIGHT_GRAY);

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Posted by (Questions: 1, Answers: 1)
Asked on November 23, 2018 6:19 pm
Private answer

Try changing these two lines of code and see how close this gets to your goal. (I have not tested this)


def Price1 = close(symbol = SYMB1)[1];

Change to:

def Price1 = close(symbol = SYMB1, period = AggregationPeriod.DAY)[1];


def Price3 = close(symbol = SYMB2)[1];

Change to:

def Price3 = close(symbol = SYMB2, period = AggregationPeriod.DAY)[1];

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Posted by (Questions: 37, Answers: 4128)
Answered on November 25, 2018 9:23 am

Hi Pete,
thanks for your reply. i changed the code like you said and it seems to work the same as the older code on daily charts but, on other time frames like a 1 minute chart it looks like it only plots correctly for 1 of the 2 symbols but only the same symbol as the chart which is pulled up and the other symbol it only plots a straight line for it at a different value for each day (not sure which value it is). so, if i have a chart of PEP up then the indicator will plot the correct values for PEP but not the other symbol of KO. and if i have a chart of KO up then the indicator will plot the correct values for KO but not the other symbol of PEP. i tried to change the code around more but no luck. any more ideas? please see chart links. thanks again.

PEP price perc change 1min chart.png

KO price perc change 1min chart.png

updated code is below:

declare lower;

#Symbol Input
input SYMB1 = “PEP”;
input SYMB2 = “KO”;

def Price1 = close(symbol = SYMB1, period = AggregationPeriod.DAY)[1];
def Price2 = close(symbol = SYMB1);

def Price3 = close(symbol = SYMB2, period = AggregationPeriod.DAY)[1];
def Price4 = close(symbol = SYMB2);

plot PercentChg1 = ((Price2 – Price1) / Price1)*100;
plot PercentChg2 = ((Price4 – Price3) / Price3)*100;

plot Hist = (PercentChg1-PercentChg2);
Hist.assignValueColor(if PercentChg1 >=PercentChg2 then else;

( at November 26, 2018 3:32 pm)

I spent some time doing some troubleshooting. There appears to be a glitch in Thinkorswim. I’ll try to explain. When plotting this:

def Price1 = close(symbol = SYMB1, period = AggregationPeriod.DAY)[1];

On any chart except for PEP, the values are displayed from the daily time frame of PEP. However when you plot that on a chart of PEP, the daily data is replaced by current time frame data. So in place of daily data you get 1 min data. It’s a glitch. I know of no workaround. Perhaps you may consider reporting it to TDA support.

( at November 26, 2018 3:59 pm)

thanks Pete. obviously not what i was hoping to hear but it is what it is i guess. i will pass this on to TDA to see if they can do anything. thanks again.

( at November 26, 2018 7:32 pm)