Referencing Other Symbol TPO or Volume Profile




First off, thank you for all you do. This site is a great resource.


Question about referencing other symbols within TPO or volume profile study. I have tried to reference other symbols but the profile function doesnt seem to want to reference the symbol I add. See below:


input symbol = “/ES”;

profile tpo1 = TimeProfile(“symbol” = symbol,”startNewProfile” = cond, “onExpansion” = onExpansion, “numberOfProfiles” = profiles, “pricePerRow” = height, “value area percent” = valueAreaPercent);

When I add the symbol variable to the time profile function, it still only calls the current symbol. What am I missing here?




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Posted by (Questions: 2, Answers: 0)
Asked on August 9, 2020 9:36 am
Private answer

I have no idea. I used the example that Thinkorswim provides for the TimeProfile() function:

First I used it as is:

def allchart = 0;
profile tpo = TimeProfile("startnewprofile"=allchart);

Then I added a user input for an alternate ticker symbol:

input tickerSymbol = "/ES";
def allchart = 0;
profile tpo = TimeProfile(symbol = tickerSymbol, "startnewprofile"=allchart);

No changes occurred in the output, just as you described.  I then tried using SPY as the alternate ticker symbol but that did not work either. So this appears to be a bug withing the function itself and not related to the futures contract you tried to use. The language reference for this function provided by Thinkorswim clearly shows that it accepts a parameter for an alternate ticker symbol but it does not appear to use that value when one is provided.

I suggest you report this to TDA support as a bug that needs to be corrected. Perhaps they will fix it. But it's also possible they will tell you that was never supposed to work that way. Keep us posted regarding their response to your inquiry.

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Posted by (Questions: 37, Answers: 4129)
Answered on August 9, 2020 11:10 am