Rules of MTF Studies in the Conditional Wizard TSw Editor?


What are the rules pertaining to MTF studies in regard to the Conditional Wizard Think or Swim Editor(CWTSE)?

We know your study MTFMACD_v2 which you gave to us freely can not be referred to because in has a rec statement in it.   Does it have to be frozen, referring only to last bar, tried that?  Time frames all above? they are

But my study, the following, while gets by the compiler,  always fails to execute.

Condition:   ADLMTF10Frozen().longsignal==1

Action: Buy at Mkt , Alert Value Chart looks good.



Why is this?




input length = 3;

input TradeSize =1;


def    LowestAggregation = GetAggregationPeriod();

def    LowAggregation = AggregationPeriod.HOUR;

def    highAggregation = AggregationPeriod.FOUR_HOURS;

def    highestAggregation = AggregationPeriod.DAY;


declare lower;



def LowestUp = IsAscending (close(period = LowestAggregation), 1) or PriceOsc().PriceOsc > -0.7;

def LowestDown = IsDescending (close(period = LowestAggregation),1)  or PriceOsc().PriceOsc < 0.7;


def LowUp = IsAscending (close(period = LowAggregation)[1], length);

def LowDown = IsDescending (close(period = LowAggregation)[1], length);


def HighUp = IsAscending (close(period = highAggregation), length)[1];

def HighDown = IsDescending (close(period = highAggregation), length)[1];


def HighestUp = IsAscending (close(period = highestAggregation), length)[1];

def HighestDown = IsDescending (close(period = highestAggregation), length)[1];


plot Longsignal = LowestUp && LowUp && HighUp & HighestUp;





plot ShortSignal = LowestDown && LowDown && HighDown & HighestDown




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Posted by (Questions: 13, Answers: 18)
Asked on February 20, 2018 3:01 pm
Private answer

You cannot reference secondary time frames from Study Alert or Condition Orders. Multiple time frame studies are not supported at this time. There is no workaround.

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Posted by (Questions: 37, Answers: 4128)
Answered on February 20, 2018 7:18 pm
Private answer

That  would explain why  I have not been getting any sound alerts from my study or my like- MTF strategy, as well.   This really does it for Think or Swim.  I will likely be asking you some Trade Station questions in the not-too-distant future.   I guess it is back to  looking at the chart every 15 min or  forget it.

When the CWTSE found it compatible/compilable – even worked on the  AlertValue Chart, I just thot it  would work. What a fool!   Too bad Think or Swim Support could not tell me that.

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Posted by (Questions: 13, Answers: 18)
Answered on February 20, 2018 9:02 pm

So what exactly where you trying to achieve here? Because if you only needed to get alerts and notifications from a list of ticker symbols, we can do that with a saved custom scan. And we can build multiple time frame based scans.
However if you were trying to get automated trade execution through a conditional order than we really are at a dead end.

( at February 20, 2018 9:37 pm)