Run up and after earnings


Hi Pete,

Happy New Year & I hope the 20s are going well for you health-wise so far. Would you be able to help me write a scan looking for the highest pct & avg gain running up two weeks before and after earnings over the past two years?

Thank you,


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Posted by (Questions: 20, Answers: 27)
Asked on January 8, 2020 2:28 pm
Private answer

The scans in Thinkorswim do not work this way. The scans in Thinkorswim can only return a list of stocks for which the filter criteria returns a true result. There is nothing in the scan tool that enables us to run a comparison between various stocks to return a list of highest percent gain. So basically, the only portion of this you can do with a scan is to pick a percent gain as a minimum threshold and return all stocks that exceed this threshold.

To achieve the remainder of your stated goal would require the scan to compare each stock with every other stock in the list. Which it cannot do. In order to solve your request requires the use of several tools, including a spreadsheet. This is research. Not a scan. And the solution is far beyond the scope of what we provide for no charge in the Q&A forum.

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Posted by (Questions: 37, Answers: 4128)
Answered on January 9, 2020 2:15 pm