Scan_RelativeStrength study missing start label


As I stated the Strategy works very well and the code has no errors but the red start button does not show for some reason?

Here is  a picture of  my  Relative Strength Strategy Problem lacking  the Red Start bubble visible

thanks again


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Posted by (Questions: 1, Answers: 1)
Asked on May 28, 2019 11:22 am
My Scan_RelativeStrength study missing start label Question was corrected according;, Many Thanks and kudos to Pete's quick response and solution ,,,His solution was on the money!
( at May 31, 2019 11:46 am)
Private answer

Always include a link to your source. Consider that this post will persist in this forum for years into the future. How are folks going to know what you are talking about without providing them a link to the original source of this code?

The original code can be found along with the tutorial video here:

I had to update the title of your question to better reflect the context of your question.

This is not a strategy. This is a chart study, which also works as a scan.

Now, on to the solution:

From your screenshot I see that you have the start date set to 20150428. Which is April 28th, 2015. Your chart is set to display 1 year of daily bars. Which means the start date is outside the viewable area of your chart. So you must set the start date to something that falls within the viewable area of the chart OR you must expand the viewable area of the chart to include the start date you have selected.

Final note. The start date MUST be set to a date in which the markets were open.


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Posted by (Questions: 37, Answers: 4129)
Answered on May 29, 2019 2:05 pm
My Scan_Relative Strength study missing start label Question was resolved and corrected quickly and accurately with Pete's excellent trouble shooting skills. Many Thanks and kudos to Pete's quick response. His solution was right on the money! Pete is the Man!!! Thanks again Pete...Sincerely James
( at May 31, 2019 2:08 pm)