Scanning for Monthly Options Contract Only


Hello, Is there a way to scan for Monthly Options Contract only(weeklys excluded)? Or is there any other solution to eliminate/decrease multiple options contract of a single  stocks in the Option Scan? For example, If I’m scanning for top 50  most volume options, i dont see a lot of stocks in there because they’re populated by multiple options contract of maybe 5 – 10 stocks, and if i scan for 200 items, i get maxed out as i have multiple custom script columns.  Thank you.

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Posted by (Questions: 8, Answers: 2)
Asked on January 22, 2022 7:41 am
Private answer

You did not specifically mention which scan you are using but since you are scanning for options I have to assume you are using the "Option Hacker" scan on Thinkorswim.

There are no perfect ways to do what y0u have requested and the only method I found which provides any degree of success is to set the "Days to exp" to match whichever monthly expiration you are trying to target.

So I went to the Trade on Thinkorswim and looked for the next monthly expiration in the options chain. I noticed the days to expiration was 27 days. Then I entered value of 27 for the "Days to exp" option filter and clicked the "Scan" button. Screenshot below shows the results.

This may not filter out all weekly options contracts because there is always a chance that somewhere along the line there will be weekly options that expire on the same date as the monthly. But I think that should be exceptionally rare.

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Posted by (Questions: 37, Answers: 4121)
Answered on January 22, 2022 9:51 am