Simulate a projected Future Price?


Is it possible to project the outcome of a current position under the assumption of a future price?   For example,   I have a complicated position in XYZ.    I’d like to be able to project the P&L (and other results)  for various assumptions about the future price of XYZ.   I understand that can be approximated by using the Analyze / Thinkback tab to evaluation the position over a prior time period that seems to be similar to the one I am projecting for the future,   but that doesn’t seem to be a fully satisfactory solution,  since prior conditions are not the same as current ones.

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Posted by (Questions: 1, Answers: 2)
Asked on July 26, 2023 11:17 am
Private answer

That's a great question but it is well beyond the scope of solutions we can cover in this forum. It would probably take an hour long video to explain which tools to use, how to use them and provide examples to demonstrate their proper use.

The best I can do is tell you which tool to use and point out some of the elements you can adjust to "simulate" your future P/L for a position which includes options and/or shares of stock.

The screenshot below shows the tool, which is found under the "Analyze" tab on Thinkorswim, in the "Risk Profile" view. I have marked several elements which can be adjusted to facilitate the "simulation" you are asking about. This tool can only analyze a single ticker symbol. So it will not be possible to include positions based on multiple ticker symbols.

What you see on this screenshot is a current open position I have on SPX. This is for a long Calendar spread. The cyan line is the P/L at expiration while the magenta line shows the P/L for the current day. There are many elements you can adjust to check how those P/L lines change under various scenarios.

This tool (and the topic itself) requires a tremendous amount of practice and experience. I am not qualified to teach on this topic because I am just beginning to learn how to use it myself (and I have been using it daily for the past 4 months!). So I suggest you contact Thinkorswim support to see if they have some resources used to educate folks on it's proper use.

Here is one resource I was able to locate pretty quickly:


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Posted by (Questions: 37, Answers: 4129)
Answered on July 26, 2023 12:16 pm