Time stamp when bid price reach 70% previous day


Hello Pete

How to create a chart label that captures the time PREMARKET when the bid price first becomes 70% greater than yesterday afternoons close price
Can you create a chart label that captures the time when a tickers Bid price reaches 70% greater than the previous days close premarket, If the time is before 8:30est est time, mark the label red
This label should only calculate during premarket hours
If the bid price hits 70% that the last day close in after-hours, mark the Label overnight (pink color)

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Posted by (Questions: 6, Answers: 4)
Asked on October 22, 2020 8:00 am
Private answer

You can search the term "time stamp" on this forum and find numerous requests that are very similar to yours.

The Thinkorswim language lacks some of the most basic tools used to parse date/time data and display it in a human friendly form. Everything is measured in milliseconds and lots of complicated math and parsing is required to convert the milliseconds to something that resembles a human-friendly measure of Date/Hour/Min/Sec.

Far beyond the scope of what I am able to complete in the brief 15 minutes I allow for free solutions in the Q&A Forum.

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Posted by (Questions: 37, Answers: 4128)
Answered on October 22, 2020 10:20 am