TRIX Watchlist Colored Field


Hello Pete

You created a TRIX watchlist for me a little while ago that works great.

Is there a way to create an updated version that shows the different stages TRIX is in by Colored field in  Watchlist?

Thanks again for all your help coding this.



TRIX Crosses Zero line
Above Color.BLUE

TRIX Crosses Zero line
Below Color.RED

TRIX Crossover Signal line
Above Color.CYAN

TRIX Crossover Signal line
Below Color.Dark.RED

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Posted by (Questions: 3, Answers: 5)
Asked on February 24, 2021 3:08 pm
Private answer

Notice that you have listed multiple conditions that can be true at the same time.

It is possible for there to be a cross above zero on the same bar in which there is a cross of the TRIX plot above the Signal plot. I suggest you go back and review these specifications and provide a set that will not have this sort of overlap.

Once again I need to mention the differnce between these two completely different conditions:

  1. One line crosses over another line or a specific value
  2. One line is greater than another line or specific value

Item 1 occurs on a single bar and then it's done. Item 2 is able to keep track of the general "condition" of the indicator for each and every bar on the chart.

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Posted by (Questions: 37, Answers: 4127)
Answered on February 24, 2021 4:51 pm