Watchlist columns displaying net and percent change from 33 day highs

  • Questions
  • Watch Lists
  • [RESOLVED] Watchlist columns displaying net and percent change from 33 day highs

Pete, thank you for getting me on the right track. I am a little slow mentally, seriously due to medical issues. I welcome your help, and or any constructive criticism. I have transfered your response from the scanner forum.  .This is a watchlist.

Link to previous post:

Quoted from a comment in that previous post:

See, I’m getting chance to teach you some very important things here. Very glad we are having this discussion. I will repeat this so that you don’t get confused. The results section below the filter criteria for the scan. That results section IS a watchlist. And you add and remove columns in that section EXACTLY the same as you do for any watchlist. So if you have not worked with custom watchlist columns yet I encourage you to spend some time reviewing our free tutorials on the topic to get up to speed. When are ready, go ahead and post that new question in the “Watch List” topic so we can get you up and running.

Thanks again, Bernie

Editors Note: The request here is to create two custom watchlist columns to be added to the results section at the bottom of the scan window. The columns will display the percent change and net change comparing the previous 33 day high to the current price.

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Posted by (Questions: 5, Answers: 5)
Asked on March 24, 2020 4:36 am
sorry pete, getting back to you this late. I had to go down to see if my mom was ok. Thank you for all of your help, I deeply appreciate it. Because of my medical condition, I am slow recognizing concepts like I use to do. When you were teaching a new concept to us each week, it really helped me keep focus more. The doctor encourages me to keep my mind active. And your help this week was a blessing, it really help. Thanks again.
( at March 31, 2020 5:58 am)
Very glad I was able to help. Thanks for taking the time to express your gratitude. Take care.
( at March 31, 2020 7:48 am)
Private answer

Here is the code to build the watchlist column displaying the net change from highest high in 33 bars:

input numberOfDays = 33;
def previousHigh = Highest(high, [numberOfDays]);
def value = previousHigh - close;

Here is the code to build the watchlist column displaying the percent change from highest high in 33 bars.

input numberOfDays = 33;
def previousHigh = Highest(high, [numberOfDays]);
plot value = 100 * (close / previousHigh - 1);

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Posted by (Questions: 37, Answers: 4129)
Answered on March 24, 2020 8:42 am