Why do some custom columns say “loading”?


Just curious if anyone has run into results showing up as “loading” on your custom columns in your scan output or watchlists (from dynamically updating scans)?  Happening with very remedial scan result actions like plotting the last (or close) price in that column (see below). Seems faster after hours but im hoping its a setting that can speed this up intraday.  Inevitably they all load the values and the “loading” all disappears .. but sometimes it can take minutes to do.


I saw Hahns custom column watchlist video and review his .ts.  He also has colored results with values underlying.  However it looks like he gets his results immediately without a “loading” issue.  Any ideas why?
plot last = close;

assignBackgroundColor(if close == high then color.GREEN else color.BLACK);

last.assignvaluecolor(if close==high then color.GREEN else color.BLACK);

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Posted by (Questions: 1, Answers: 1)
Asked on January 23, 2017 2:19 pm

not spam.

Also one other point is this can happen and last 2-3 minutes on ”loading” status even if there are only 2 or 3 results from the scan.

( at January 23, 2017 2:25 pm)
Private answer

I have had this issue as well. These scripts run on the servers at Thinkorswim and just like scans, they are subject to performance issues during periods of heavy load. I record almost all my videos after hours or on weekends so it doesn’t show up as much for me. But when it does I edit the video to avoid wasting a lot of time while the values load. Wish there was a way to speed this up. Certainly worth your time to open a support ticket with TD Ameritrade and see if they can optimize this in a future release.

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Posted by (Questions: 37, Answers: 4129)
Answered on January 23, 2017 6:54 pm

Thank you Pete. Its frustrating to say the least. After talking with ToS tech support they also say that watchlist scanners refresh rate is about 2-3 minutes. Yours seem instantaneous on your video. Has ToS modified this due to load?

( at January 24, 2017 7:28 am)

quote: ”yours seem instantaneous in your video”. I do a lot of editing to polish things up and keep from wasting precious minutes. I also record most vides after hours or on weekends. This may give the impression that it runs faster for me. It does not.

( at January 24, 2017 8:14 am)
Private answer

Tos Scan engine was totally broken today , anyone had that problem with most scanners stuck on “loading”?

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Posted by (Questions: 2, Answers: 7)
Answered on January 24, 2017 7:45 pm

I wasn’t running any scans today so I can’t confirm. Best thing to do is notify TDA support as soon as there is an issue so they can be aware of when it is occurring and hopefully find a way to optimize their servers.

( at January 24, 2017 8:43 pm)

Thanks Pete, will do , its like Tos are running two separate data-feeds one for ”pre-post” market and one for ”regular hours”.

( at January 25, 2017 6:19 am)