// Shows the price renko bars (or range bars) instead of the PERIOD renko // bars that are integrated into Trading View. The normal renko bars that // Trading View offers only consider the drawing of a new brick when the // price closes above or below the required brick size. This can produce // misleading charts since depending on the time interval of a chart, new // bricks may or may not be drawn. True price renko bars will draw a new // brick immediately upon the price exceeding the next target brick size. // An option exists to enable PERIOD based renko bars, but that is not // the default. // It may be desired to require a PERIOD based close to ensure an update. // NEW BRICKS: PRICE VS PERIOD // The option exists to use the PERIOD based renko bars by checking the // FORCE CLOSE box. This will force a band update when the target brick // threshold is exceeded only by the close price instead of the high or low. // // By unchecking the box labeled USE CHART INTERVAL, one can specify // a separate interval to enforce the close criteria. For example, you // can use a 5 pip brick size on EURUSD in Traditional Mode, and // instruct that the close interval is 1HR. Your chart interval could // be 5 minutes, but the hour closes above or below the brick threshold // are required to update the band. 5 minute closes above or below the // new brick threshold will only draw a PROJECTION band while the hour // interval has not yet expired. // Play around with the settings for this if you would like the close // criteria to be in force (which is the PERIOD based renkos that Trading // view uses by default). An example would be a 5 pip brick size, and close // interval set to H1 (1 hour). The chart should be viewed on an interval // LESS THAN OR EQUAL TO 1 hour, to ensure that the close is accurate, such // as 5 minute, 15 minute, or 60 minute. // TRADITIONAL MODE // This mode uses exact brick sizes, in ticks. The brick starting anchor // point will attempt to be a "nice number" at a round interval for the // chart ticker. For example, if viewing EURUSD with the box size equal // to 50 ticks/pips, the open and close prices will take the form of // 1.2100, 1.2150, 1.2200, 1.2250, and so on. This is the same behavior // as the normal traditional Renko bars in Trading View and other major // trading platforms such as Meta Trader. // Use the tick size in traditional mode to specify the block size, in // ticks (or pips). // ATR MODE // The ATR mode functions differently than the Trading View built in // version. The block size is updated each time the range is exceeded. // In Trading View, when using the ATR mode, the ATR is the last ATR // value calculated on the ENTIRE data interval, and is applied to all // past data. You can see this when you press the '+' sign of the ticker // in the top left of the chart window and you will see the brick size // as a constant, the brick size is not a function of the ever changing // ATR value of the price action. // The block size of this script is not updated for each price candle // (i.e. each 1HR on a 1HR chart), instead it is updated only when the // price thresholds are exceeded requiring a the band to be updated. At // that point the current ATR is sampled and the brick size is updated. // This continues each time the band thresholds are exceeded, therefore // the band width is always changing depending on the current volatility. // ATR mode will also consider the FORCE CLOSE type when selected. If a // different chart interval is required for the ATR calcualtion, that is // considered also. For example, say you want to view a 5 minute chart, but // use the ATR calcuation for the Day interval. Select "Day" from the drop // down menu to do this, and then set the ATR settings you desire. The // chart will be a 5 minute chart, but ATR information will be sampled as // if it were a 1 hour chart. Be aware that if indeed the Day interval is // selected, the band will ONLY UPDATE when the day closes. While the day // has not closed a projection bar will be draw to show the current status. // If the USE CHART INTERVAL box is left selected, the ATR interval is // the chart interval. // PROJECTION // When the barstate is live, a single projection band will be plotted under // the following conditions: // 1. Whenever FORCE CLOSE is enabled. This happens regardless if the chart // interval is the same as the desired interval selected from the drop // down menu, or if the USE CHART INTERVAL box is selected. The reason for // this is that the close of the interval is not truly valid until the // interval expires. // 2. Whenever the desired interval is greater than the chart interval. If // the interval chosen from the drop down is greater than the chart // interval the band cannot update until the desired interval expires. // OPTIONS // Brick size rounding is available for ATR Mode. This will enforce that // the bricks are multiples of the input value (in ticks). The default is // 1 tick so that no rounding occurs. This is useful when it is desired // that the bricks "snap" to round number intervals, such as 5 or 25 ticks. // The minimum block size will always be at least 1 tick in ATR mode. // Rounding the block size is essentially the best of both both worlds, // Traditional and ATR, since the bricks will adjust to the ATR of the // desired time interval but at the same time only be multiples of the // rounding tick size specified. // An option exists to show the required levels that the price must exceed // to draw a new brick and update the band. This is useful for setting // limit and stop prices. // @version=3 study(title = "Renko Price Bars Overlay", shorttitle = "Renko Overlay", overlay = true) type = input(title = "Type", defval = "Traditional", options=["Traditional", "ATR"]) theme = input(title = "Theme", defval = "Green/Red", options=["Green/Red", "Blue/White", "Blue/Red", "Green/White"]) forceClose = input(false, title = "Force Interval Close to Update (PEROD based bricks)") intval = input("H1", "Interval Close Length", options=["M1", "M3", "M5", "M15", "M30", "M45", "H1", "H2", "H3", "H4", "H8", "H12", "Day", "Week", "Month", "Year"]) useChartIntval = input(true, "Use Chart Interval") size = input(1, title = "Box Tick Size (Traditional Mode)", type = integer, minval = 1) atrLen = input(14, title = "ATR Length (ATR Mode)", minval = 1) atrMult = input(1, title = "ATR Multiplier (ATR Mode)", type = float, minval = 1, step = 0.1) round = input(1, title = "Box Tick Size Rounding (ATR Mode)", minval = 1) showBand = input(true, title = "Show Renko Band?") colorBars = input(false, "Color Price Bars?") showBreak = input(true, title = "Show New Brick Price Level Thresholds?") int = iff(intval == "M1", "1", iff(intval == "M3", "3", iff(intval == "M5", "5", iff(intval == "M15", "15", iff(intval == "M30", "30", iff(intval == "M45", "45", iff(intval == "H1", "60", iff(intval == "H2", "120", iff(intval == "H3", "180", iff(intval == "H4", "240", iff(intval == "H8", "480", iff(intval == "H12", "720", iff(intval == "Day", "D", iff(intval == "Week", "W", iff(intval == "Month", "M", iff(intval == "Year", "12M", "60")))))))))))))))) // We must discover how many bars back the desired interval // opened as a new bar. The previous bar on the chart interval // is the closing value of that bar. For instance, if viewing // a 5 min chart, and the desired interval is 15 min, only // once every 3 bars does the chart interval close at the same // location as the desired interval. start = security(tickerid, int, time, lookahead = true) newSession = iff(change(start), 1, 0) barsInInterval() => sinceNewSession = 0 offset = useChartIntval ? 0 : barssince(newSession) sinceNewSession := na(sinceNewSession[1]) or offset > nz(sinceNewSession[1]) ? offset : nz(sinceNewSession[1]) barsInInt = barsInInterval() tk = syminfo.mintick blockMult = tk < 0.1 and (tk != 0.01 or close > 100) and (tk != 0.001 or close > 50) and tk != 0.0001 and tk != 0.0005 and tk != 0.03125 ? tk == 0.00005 or tk * 100 == 0.00005 ? 2 : 10 : 1 // Get the variables. These may be different depending on: // // 1. The time interval desired is the chart interval, or PERIOD close is not enforced // 2. The time interval desired is greater than the chart interval, and PERIOD close is enforced // 3. The calculation is for projection purposes only, and PERIOD close is enforced. Projection // is only used when PERIOD close is enforced regardless of the desired interval. getVars() => block1 = tk * blockMult * size block2 = max(round(atrMult * atr(atrLen) / (round * blockMult * tk)), 1) * round * blockMult * tk block = type == "Traditional" ? block1 : block2 h = not forceClose ? high : close l = not forceClose ? low : close targetO = (floor(open / block) - 1) * block targetC = floor(open / block) * block targetUp = targetC + block targetDn = targetO - block pClose = nz(targetC[1]) pOpen = nz(targetO[1]) pTargetUp = nz(targetUp[1]) pTargetDn = nz(targetDn[1]) trend = 1 trend := h > pTargetUp ? 1 : l < pTargetDn ? -1 : nz(trend[1], 1) // Sometimes multiple blocks are exceeded all in the // same candle we must account for this. In normal // renko charting this would be observed as multiple // projection candles newHighBlock = ceil(abs(pTargetUp - h) / block) * block newLowBlock = ceil(abs(pTargetDn - l) / block) * block newHighBlock2 = floor(abs(pTargetUp - h) / block) * block newLowBlock2 = floor(abs(pTargetDn - l) / block) * block crossUp = h > pTargetUp crossDn = l < pTargetDn targetUp := crossUp ? pTargetUp + newHighBlock : crossDn ? trend[1] < 0 ? pClose + block - newLowBlock2 : pOpen + block - newLowBlock2 : pTargetUp targetDn := crossDn ? pTargetDn - newLowBlock : crossUp ? trend[1] > 0 ? pClose - block + newHighBlock2 : pOpen - block + newHighBlock2 : pTargetDn targetC := crossUp ? pTargetUp + newHighBlock2 : crossDn ? pTargetDn - newLowBlock2 : pClose targetO := crossUp ? max(targetC - block, pClose) : crossDn ? min(targetC + block, pClose) : pOpen targetL = low targetL := crossUp or crossDn ? low : min(nz(targetL[1]), low) targetH = high targetH := crossUp or crossDn ? high : max(nz(targetH[1]), high) [targetUp, targetDn, pTargetUp, pTargetDn, targetC, targetO, targetH, targetL, newHighBlock2, newLowBlock2, block, pClose, trend] [_targetUp, _targetDn, _pTargetUp, _pTargetDn, _targetC, _targetO, _targetH, _targetL, _newHighBlock2, _newLowBlock2, _block, _pClose, _trend] = getVars() transform(var, hist) => t = useChartIntval or barsInInt == 0 ? var : security(tickerid, int, var[hist], lookahead = true) targetUp = transform(_targetUp, 1) targetDn = transform(_targetDn, 1) targetUp0 = transform(_targetUp, 0) targetDn0 = transform(_targetDn, 0) pTargetUp = transform(_pTargetUp, 1) pTargetDn = transform(_pTargetDn, 1) targetC = transform(_targetC, 1) targetO = transform(_targetO, 1) targetH = transform(_targetH, 1) targetL = transform(_targetL, 1) newHighBlock2 = transform(_newHighBlock2, 0) newLowBlock2 = transform(_newLowBlock2, 0) block = transform(_block, 1) block0 = transform(_block, 0) pClose = transform(_pClose, 1) trend = transform(_trend, 1) // Projection // Solve the same target close and open forumla but with the current values // Find the highest high and lowest low between now and when the desired // interval started with a new bar. Use the current close if force close // mode is enabled hh = high hh := useChartIntval or barsInInt == 0 ? high : newSession ? high : max(nz(hh[1]), high) ll = low ll := useChartIntval or barsInInt == 0 ? low : newSession ? low : min(nz(ll[1]), low) hP = forceClose ? close : hh lP = forceClose ? close : ll // Find the offset that we must look back. If FORCE CLOSE is enabled but // the desired interval is less than or equal to the chart interval, just // look at the previous bar. If the bars in the chart interval are greater // than zero (desired interval > chart interval) then the data is already // pointing to the previous value on the desired interval (it's already // locked in and complete) x = barsInInt == 0 ? forceClose ? 1 : 0 : 0 // We must offset the band by the number of bars that chart interval has // inside one bar of the desired interval, i.e. there are 12 5 minute // candles for each 1 hour candle x2 = barsInInt > 0 or forceClose ? barsInInt + 1 : 0 // Solve the same formula for the new projected close and open based on // the current price. The price may be the current high of the desired // interval or current low, or may simply be the close price of this candle // of the FORCE CLOSE parameter is true targetCP = hP > targetUp[x] ? targetUp[x] + newHighBlock2 : lP < targetDn[x] ? targetDn[x] - newLowBlock2 : targetC targetOP = hP > targetUp[x] ? max(targetCP - block, targetC[x]) : lP < targetDn[x] ? min(targetCP + block, targetC[x]) : targetO trendP = hP > targetUp[x] ? 1 : lP < targetDn[x] ? -1 : trend[1] // Colors trendS = ((barsInInt > 0 or forceClose) and trend[x] > 0) or ((barsInInt == 0 and not forceClose) and trend > 0) ? 1 : -1 posCol1 = iff(theme == "Green/Red" or theme == "Green/White", #32CD32FF, #3C78D8FF) posCol2 = iff(theme == "Green/Red" or theme == "Green/White", #32CD3255, #3C78D855) posCol3 = iff(theme == "Green/Red" or theme == "Green/White", #00FF001A, #006AFF38) negCol1 = iff(theme == "Green/Red" or theme == "Blue/Red", #FF00FFFF, #CBCBCBFF) negCol2 = iff(theme == "Green/Red" or theme == "Blue/Red", #FF00FF55, #CBCBCB55) negCol3 = iff(theme == "Green/Red" or theme == "Blue/Red", #FF00001A, #FFFFFF20) posCol4 = iff(theme == "Green/Red" or theme == "Green/White", #00FFFFFF, #00FFFFFF) posCol5 = iff(theme == "Green/Red" or theme == "Green/White", #00FFFF55, #00FFFF55) posCol6 = iff(theme == "Green/Red" or theme == "Green/White", #00FFFF3A, #00FFFF3A) negCol4 = iff(theme == "Green/Red" or theme == "Blue/Red", #FF0000FF, #FFFFFFFF) negCol5 = iff(theme == "Green/Red" or theme == "Blue/Red", #FF000055, #FFFFFF55) negCol6 = iff(theme == "Green/Red" or theme == "Blue/Red", #FF00807A, #FFFFFF7A) tradeColPos = iff(theme == "Green/Red" or theme == "Green/White", #00FF00FF, #00FFFFFF) tradeColNeg = iff(theme == "Green/Red" or theme == "Blue/Red", #FF0000FF, #FFFFFFFF) barColPos = iff(theme == "Green/Red" or theme == "Green/White", #11DD11FF, #0268FFFF) barColNeg = iff(theme == "Green/Red" or theme == "Blue/Red", #DD1111FF, #FFFFFFFF) labelColPos = iff(theme == "Green/Red" or theme == "Green/White", #11CA11FF, #0268FFFF) labelColNeg = iff(theme == "Green/Red" or theme == "Blue/Red", #CA1111FF, #AAAAAAFF) colC = trendS > 0 ? posCol1 : negCol1 colO = trendS > 0 ? posCol2 : negCol2 fill = trendS > 0 ? posCol3 : negCol3 colCP = targetCP >= targetC[x] ? posCol4 : negCol4 colOP = targetCP >= targetC[x] ? posCol5 : negCol5 fillP = targetCP >= targetC[x] ? posCol6 : negCol6 // Target high and low for new brick plotshape(showBreak ? targetCP != targetC[x] ? targetUp0[x] : targetUp[x] : na, title = "Target High Break Label", style = shape.labeldown, location = location.absolute, offset = 3, size = size.small, text = "H", color = labelColPos, textcolor = #FFFFFFEE, show_last = 1, editable = false) plotshape(showBreak ? targetCP != targetC[x] ? targetDn0[x] : targetDn[x] : na, title = "Target Low Break Label", style = shape.labelup, location = location.absolute, offset = 3, size = size.small, text = "L", color = labelColNeg, textcolor = #FFFFFFEE, show_last = 1, editable = false) // Plots c = plot(showBand ? targetC[x] : na, title = "Close (Anchored to Interval Open)", offset = -x2, color = colC, editable = false) o = plot(showBand ? targetO[x] : na, title = "Open (Anchored to Interval Open)", offset = -x2, color = colO, editable = false) // The projections show how the current data is behaving and potentially how the // actually band can change in real time cPx = forceClose or barsInInt > 0 ? targetCP != targetC[x] ? targetCP : targetC[x] : na cOx = forceClose or barsInInt > 0 ? targetCP != targetC[x] ? targetOP : targetO[x] : na colorCP = targetCP != targetC[x] ? colCP : colC colorOP = targetCP != targetC[x] ? colOP : colO colorFillP = targetCP != targetC[x] ? fillP : fill cP = plot(showBand ? cPx : na, title = "Projected Close (Offset = 0)", color = colorCP, show_last = 2, editable = false) oP = plot(showBand ? cOx : na, title = "Projected Open (Offset = 0)", color = colorOP, show_last = 2, editable = false) // Because pine script does not offer 'ID objects' like lines or colums... we are forced // to do this hack solution in order to plot a box like figure. We do this because the // chart interval may be less than the desired interval, so there are many bars to fill // for the complete projected brick. Imagine a 5 minute chart but using the 1 HR interval // as the desired interval for closes or for ATR setting. While the current price may // exceed the next brick threshold, there are a total of 12 candles for each 1 HR interval. // Up to 12 bars are plotted and no more, since we could do this forever... i.e. imagine // the desired interval is 1 Year, and the chart interval is 1 minute. // This problem is the result of the 'show_last' parameter not able to process dynamic // variables. Even wrapped in a function the show_last parameter gives up and plots all // data history for the plot() instance. The only way to combat this is to have many // width = 1 plots (show_last = 2) and offset them to stack them horizontally. This gives // the appearance of a rectangle test candle that occupies the entire space of the current // desired interval candle. HOWEVER, we are limited by 64 plots for a script, so we can // only plot so many. There will be a gap between the current data mark and the projected // box if the total number of chart interval contained in one desired interval exceeds this // value. cP1 = plot(barsInInt > 0 and showBand ? cPx : na, title = "Projected Close (Offset = 1)", color = colorCP, offset = -1, show_last = 2, editable = false) oP1 = plot(barsInInt > 0 and showBand ? cOx : na, title = "Projected Open (Offset = 1)", color = colorOP, offset = -1, show_last = 2, editable = false) cP2 = plot(barsInInt > 1 and showBand ? cPx : na, title = "Projected Close (Offset = 2)", color = colorCP, offset = -2, show_last = 2, editable = false) oP2 = plot(barsInInt > 1 and showBand ? cOx : na, title = "Projected Open (Offset = 2)", color = colorOP, offset = -2, show_last = 2, editable = false) cP3 = plot(barsInInt > 2 and showBand ? cPx : na, title = "Projected Close (Offset = 3)", color = colorCP, offset = -3, show_last = 2, editable = false) oP3 = plot(barsInInt > 2 and showBand ? cOx : na, title = "Projected Open (Offset = 3)", color = colorOP, offset = -3, show_last = 2, editable = false) cP4 = plot(barsInInt > 3 and showBand ? cPx : na, title = "Projected Close (Offset = 4)", color = colorCP, offset = -4, show_last = 2, editable = false) oP4 = plot(barsInInt > 3 and showBand ? cOx : na, title = "Projected Open (Offset = 4)", color = colorOP, offset = -4, show_last = 2, editable = false) cP5 = plot(barsInInt > 4 and showBand ? cPx : na, title = "Projected Close (Offset = 5)", color = colorCP, offset = -5, show_last = 2, editable = false) oP5 = plot(barsInInt > 4 and showBand ? cOx : na, title = "Projected Open (Offset = 5)", color = colorOP, offset = -5, show_last = 2, editable = false) cP6 = plot(barsInInt > 5 and showBand ? cPx : na, title = "Projected Close (Offset = 6)", color = colorCP, offset = -6, show_last = 2, editable = false) oP6 = plot(barsInInt > 5 and showBand ? cOx : na, title = "Projected Open (Offset = 6)", color = colorOP, offset = -6, show_last = 2, editable = false) cP7 = plot(barsInInt > 6 and showBand ? cPx : na, title = "Projected Close (Offset = 7)", color = colorCP, offset = -7, show_last = 2, editable = false) oP7 = plot(barsInInt > 6 and showBand ? cOx : na, title = "Projected Open (Offset = 7)", color = colorOP, offset = -7, show_last = 2, editable = false) cP8 = plot(barsInInt > 7 and showBand ? cPx : na, title = "Projected Close (Offset = 8)", color = colorCP, offset = -8, show_last = 2, editable = false) oP8 = plot(barsInInt > 7 and showBand ? cOx : na, title = "Projected Open (Offset = 8)", color = colorOP, offset = -8, show_last = 2, editable = false) cP9 = plot(barsInInt > 8 and showBand ? cPx : na, title = "Projected Close (Offset = 9)", color = colorCP, offset = -9, show_last = 2, editable = false) oP9 = plot(barsInInt > 8 and showBand ? cOx : na, title = "Projected Open (Offset = 9)", color = colorOP, offset = -9, show_last = 2, editable = false) // Fills fill(c, o, title = "Fill", color = fill, editable = false) fill(cP, oP, title = "Projection Fill (Offset = 0)", color = colorFillP, show_last = 2, editable = false) fill(cP1, oP1, title = "Projection Fill (Offset = 1)", color = colorFillP, show_last = 3, editable = false) fill(cP2, oP2, title = "Projection Fill (Offset = 2)", color = colorFillP, show_last = 4, editable = false) fill(cP3, oP3, title = "Projection Fill (Offset = 3)", color = colorFillP, show_last = 5, editable = false) fill(cP4, oP4, title = "Projection Fill (Offset = 4)", color = colorFillP, show_last = 6, editable = false) fill(cP5, oP5, title = "Projection Fill (Offset = 5)", color = colorFillP, show_last = 7, editable = false) fill(cP6, oP6, title = "Projection Fill (Offset = 6)", color = colorFillP, show_last = 8, editable = false) fill(cP7, oP7, title = "Projection Fill (Offset = 7)", color = colorFillP, show_last = 9, editable = false) fill(cP8, oP8, title = "Projection Fill (Offset = 8)", color = colorFillP, show_last = 10, editable = false) fill(cP9, oP9, title = "Projection Fill (Offset = 9)", color = colorFillP, show_last = 11, editable = false) // Bar Color test = targetCP != targetC[x] and (barssince(newSession) == barsInInt or not forceClose) barColor = trendS > 0 ? barColPos : barColNeg barcolor(title = "Bar Color", color = colorBars ? test ? targetCP > targetC[x] ? barColPos : targetCP < targetC[x] ? barColNeg : barColor : barColor : na, editable = false)